Monday, December 10, 2007

5-Chatting with a friend about 2.0

Well, not many people want to talk too much about this. I get the feeling it's because either they don't care one way or another or they don't know what the hec any of it means. After reading some of the Discovery Resources I feel like I have a better idea of what people want it to mean. It all still seems ambiguous in the writings. I think because it's still in progress. It's something I feel like I need to define for myself. I am taking all these "definitions" and "explanations" and distilling them down into something that makes sense to me while keeping them in their context. I especially liked the article I read "Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries." I copied and pasted some select quotes from it below.

Maness, J. (2006). "Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries". Webology, 3 (2), Article 25. Available at:

The library's collection will change, becoming more interactive and fully accessible. The library's services will change, focusing more on the facilitation of information transfer and information literacy rather than providing controlled access to it.

Library 2.0 demands libraries focus less on secured inventory systems and more on collaborative discovery systems. There is perhaps a great synchronicity between librarianship and Web 2.0, but viewed holistically, Library 2.0 will revolutionize the profession. Rather than creating systems and services for patrons, librarians will enable users to create them for themselves. A profession steeped in decades of a culture of control and predictability will need to continue moving toward embracing facilitation and ambiguity. This shift corresponds to similar changes in library history, including the opening of book stacks and the inclusion of fiction and paperbacks in the early 20th century.

I can see this "library" coming into being. But I think one of the hardest things in allowing the library to evolve will be moving through our issues of privacy. That was another thing I found, when discussing 2.0 with co-workers, that people are very wary of doing anything that puts any info out on the web about them. I understand the apprehension but at the same turn 2.0 is about putting yourself on the's about being part of it not just a spectator. Not all will follow and that's fine. This new way of doing things is just another way not the only way...not yet anyway:)

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