Wednesday, February 13, 2008

29-My Learning 2.0 Experience

I guess what I found to be the most fun was using the Flickr spell tool and also finding the other fun tools that bighugelab offers as well as seeing what sites won the Web 2.0 awards. As for how this experience has assisted or affected my life-long learning? I'm not sure but it has opened my eyes to what other libraries out there are doing and it has gotten my brain churning with ideas about how to use some of this cool stuff personally and in my job. Additionally, I think I will be someone who is a somewhat distant observer of the techy world, never being on the cutting edge but following with what becomes mainstream. I like techy stuff but on a very superficial level. I noticed in looking at other co-workers blogs that they've really taken to this stuff some even have the 30things as just a side line in their blog. Good, that means there will always be someone to go to when I have a techy question.

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