Sunday, January 13, 2008


I set up a MySpace account soon after I had my son. I don't know why, maybe because there was so much about MySpace in the news and I wanted to see what all the hub-ub was about or maybe it was that I was curious to see if any of my old friends had set up an account. I had googled many of my school friends name's already but hadn't come up with much and MySpace was a new way to look for them and see how they were doing. Also, I was on leave from work and up at all hours with the baby so there was time available to browse. I haven't done much with my layout but I'd like to. Now that work has resumed and I have a one year old time is not so ready available. I found setting up the account as easy as setting up any other online account. It's fairly user friendly but I don't like having to use the back button so much. MySpace has really taken off but I've heard that sites like Facebook and others are setup better just not as well known. I am not going t0 setup an acct on another SN sight unless it's just the be all end all. No time! Here's my current page if you want to check it out but I warn you it's very plain, no fancy html stuff like most.

1 comment:

Trankuility said...

I found it easy, as well, to sign up for an account. I don't, however, like all of the spam and HACKING on that site. blehhh